Jimmy R. King – Your Workers’ Compensation Attorney in South Carolina.
At the KING LAW FIRM, PC, we understand that getting hurt on the job can be painful and costly, and navigating through the process of workers’ compensation claims can prove to be a frustrating and complex process. Jimmy King is dedicated to representing you and he will work tirelessly to maximize the medical care, rehabilitation services, and replacement income you may be entitled to as a result of your on-the-job injury.
If you have suffered an injury, you may be entitled to compensation benefits by South Carolina’s Workers’ Compensation laws. You should first report your injury to your supervisor and/or employer and seek medical care and attention as soon as possible.
Next, you should talk with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who can understand your unique situation and help you define the next steps for your case. Mr. King’s extensive legal experience representing countless victims of workplace injury accidents ensures that you are in the capable hands of an experienced lawyer who will work tirelessly to ensure your compensation benefit needs are met.
Answering Your Workers’ Compensation FAQ’s
For your convenience, we have answered some basic workers’ compensation questions below. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us for a free consultation and case evaluation. Jimmy King, and his outstanding team at the KING LAW FIRM, PC, will answer your questions and discuss the specifics of your case and how we can help you seek benefits and medical treatment for your unique situation.
The state system of workers’ compensation pays for necessary medical treatment, loss of wages during a period of disability, and compensation when an employee sustains a personal work-related injury or death as a result of workplace duties.
A work-related injury is any injury you have sustained while performing your job duties. These injuries may include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Back and neck injuries
• Brain and head injuries
• Leg and arm injuries
• Hand and feet injuries
• Depression and mental illness (anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder)
• Shoulder and rotator cuff injuries
• Repetitive trauma injuries (injuries to neck, wrist, carpal tunnel, shoulder, back or other body parts from repetitive work tasks)
• Aggravation of a pre-existing condition
• Occupational illness or disease
• Work-related accident injuries (e.g., slip-and-falls, falling objects, explosions)
• Burn and electrical injuries, including electrocution
• Occupational disease
• Asbestos exposure
• Construction accidents
• Other mental or physical injuries
First, you must report all of your injuries to your employer immediately and request medical treatment, if needed. If you do not report the injury within
90 days of the accident you may lose your right to workers’ compensation benefits.
After you report your injury within the 90-day period, you have up to two (2) years, from the date of injury, to file a workers’ compensation claim for benefits. If a worker dies because of work-related injuries, the worker’s dependents or personal representative must file a claim within two (2) years of the date of death to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits.
The employer’s first obligation is to make sure that you receive medical attention. Next, they are required to report the injury to their insurance carrier, which reports your injury to the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission.
Your workers’ compensation benefits entitle you to receive all necessary medical treatment that is related to your work injury. However, the insurance company, or your employer, has the right to select your doctors and other medical providers. If you disagree with their assessment, treatment plan or diagnosis, you may request to seek a second opinion from another doctor or medical provider.
South Carolina law protects an employee from being fired due to the filing of a workers’ compensation claim. A worker is subject to the same time out of work restrictions as any other employee and some employers will require that a worker be able to do their job without restrictions once they have recovered from their work injury.
Yes. Most employers in South Carolina are represented by insurance companies or third party administrators when a workers’ compensation claim is filed. These companies have experienced adjusters and defense attorneys who are knowledgeable about the workers’ compensation field. There may be some cases where an attorney is not needed in a workers’ compensation claim; however, it is always wise to consult with an experienced attorney to have a thorough evaluation of your specific situation. It is better to review all aspects of your situation with an experienced attorney in the early stages of your injury rather than hesitate and make unwise and costly decisions about your claim.
Some workers’ compensation cases may be concluded in a few months while others can take much longer. Several issues will determine the length of time it may take to coordinate your case to a successful conclusion. For example: whether or not it is an admitted injury; the amount of medical treatment necessary to maximize your physical and mental improvement; and the complexity of the factual and legal issues involved in your individual situation.
Most experienced attorneys will agree to accept your case and guide you through the complex legal process if you have a valid claim. They will represent you on a contingency basis, which means that they will pay all fees and cost associated with your case until you receive final compensation. At the KING LAW FIRM, PC, be assured that no fee or cost will be paid by you unless we are successful in securing a monetary settlement or verdict on your behalf.
It is impossible to evaluate a case for ultimate value until all of the medical treatment has been provided and we are able to determine what restrictions the individual may have on his/her ability to work in the future. It is important to remember that in a workers’ compensation claim in South Carolina, the injured worker is entitled to have all of the reasonable and necessary medical care and treatment provided to that individual; be paid weekly benefits if the doctor takes them out of work for at least seven (7) days; and the injured worker may be entitled to an additional monetary settlement if they have a permanent impairment or restriction on their ability to work. The weekly benefits are generally based on 66.66% of your average weekly wage.
In most cases, you will continue to receive weekly benefits for as long as the doctor keeps you out of work. If the doctor returns you to work, with restrictions, and your employer does not provide a job that can accommodate those restrictions, you may continue to receive weekly benefits.
Free Consultation with a Lawyer
If you value compassion and accountability, please call Jimmy King at the KING LAW FIRM, PC, for a free case evaluation by calling 864-225-9155 or Toll-Free at 1-888-827-9155. Mr. King is a member of the distinguished Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, which are awarded to attorneys who have successfully handled cases with million dollar and multi-million dollar settlement results. We have represented workers’ compensation clients with outstanding results throughout the state of South Carolina.
Don’t delay — let our proven experience work for you. You need to protect yourself, your health, and your family.